Archive for March, 2014


Why Do You Question?

March 21, 2014

Why do you question


Why do you continuously question what is meant to be?

I saved you a long time ago

don’t you remember thee?

You can search for answers until your last breath

You won’t see what you’re constantly reaching for until…

Your death.

All the answers are right in the GOOD book

Have you forgotten? When’s the last time you’ve looked?

You can write about me all you want and debate

The Divine

Your answers will be given only in my time

When your soul reaches where it all begins

I will wash away your earthly sins

No worries…put down your pen

Raise your hands and say:

Lord! YOU win

I give in…

Just take me back to where I discovered you

Where I saw the cross and read:




Cheryl Ann

(Sweet Annie)


Me And Mr. Blue

March 8, 2014


He sat with me on this fine day

Neither one of us knew what to say

He had his eye on me

While he sat so patently 

It might of been the twinkle in his eye

That kept me focused as I pointed high

The camera caught his subtle moves

I starting shooting as I had nothing to loose

I think he was feeling my need of attention

At the peak of my redemption

The moment I bowed my head in tears

He flew off as if he’d never appeared

I said good bye to my blue attitude

And walked to my car and felt the solitude 

I knew he’d flown a long way to sit  on that branch

I was looking for a reason to smile and dance

He said “Girl take this shot it’s your last chance.”

Funny, how I was feeling this same way

Blues came by and couldn’t stay….

But that’s okay! 

When I turned my head to see where he’d gone

My heart no longer playing the blues song..







Some Day’s I Just Don’t Get It

March 7, 2014



Photo Taken By: Cheryl Ann


I have walked this path so many times. I swear I see the footprints and they don’t change with the weather. I am sure the pebbles beneath my shoes and the same rocks that were tossed years ago.

Its the same journey just a repeat of yesterday as I move forward I still feel backwards on a road that takes me nowhere. 

When I start the walk the whole point surrounds me and it encompasses my soul. Its a journey that seems never-ending “or” I fear the walk again a lone. 

Yesterday, keeps following me and as I look back I still see what you didn’t…

Some souls remain in the deep ditches and they reach up and signal my direction…

But it’s the living that scares the hell right out of me 

Why? Why do we have to burn to death in sorrow? Why can’t we live for tomorrow and let all it just melt away..

No one knows how I really feel in this journey without zeal…

Love is a death trap of walking up and down this path time and time again… seeing the before’s and the afters

And still we all just don’t get it…

I came here to look through a different kind of filter and some say a veil…

There’s a special kind of person that only lifts it for the right reasons

Just like when a desperado hangs his hat 

Its a recipe blended with mother earth 

She’s  the best cook for mixing love with all the right seasons

Next time I travel this road…I am sure and without doubt

My surroundings will be colorful and in full bloom